a florist as wild, bold & playful as her designs

a florist as wild, bold & playful as her designs

Hey there, I’m Makinna

Writing a bio always feels a bit like a blind date…who I am, what I like to do for fun, where I grew up, what I do for work. Its all just a bit awkward, right? Maybe it’s just me putting too much pressure on it. So here it goes…I’m Makinna Wagner. I’m a typical oldest child and the only extrovert in my family and never afraid to fill an awkward silence. I like getting to know people. listening to their story and asking lots of questions. For fun, I sit in coffee shops, read, cuddle my dogs, re-watch the office bake cookies, hunt for vintage treasures in thrift stores, enjoy happy hour with friends and explore Portland. I grew up right here in Portland and love this city so much. As far as work goes, I’ve tried a little bit of everything, but about five years ago I had this dream of being a florist and things just happened really organically from there. Three amazing florists in my area were teaching a floral workshop and they were offering free tuition for one person and magically they chose me. Since then, the only job that really fulfills me is being a florist and it has my whole heart. Really, knowing and caring for people has my whole heart, and flowers are just such an intentional and beautiful vessel for that. I describe my floral style as wild, bold and playful because that’s just what feels natural to me and flowers are inherently all those things. I really love intentionally creating floral arrangements that feel like they belong to you. My greatest desire is that you will walk into your wedding and feel like everything was designed specifically to celebrate who you are and who you are becoming. Crazy to think that something a simple as flowers and candles and vases could do that, right? To be fair, it is, but so is finding someone you love enough to spend the rest of your life with them. Life is crazy and beautiful and wild and bold and playful. At the end of the day, I’m just trying to turn my daydream into a life I love. Okay, well that’s me. Let’s get together for a drink and talk all about flowers and love and all that sappy stuff that makes life sweet. Cheers to you if you made it this far. First round is on me!